Spread the word. Between now and January 7th we are offering a FREE RESUME REVIEW AND A 30% OFF GIFT CERTIFICATE ON ALL OUR SERVICES. Just send your resume to review@firstimpressionsresumes.biz, and tell all your out of work friends, neighbors and business associates about this amazing offer. This might just be the best holiday gift you give or receive this year.
Talking about holiday gifts, here are some novel ideas about what you can give someone you know who is having a hard time finding a job this year?
A: One of the best gifts to offer job seekers at this time of year, and one you can afford to give to everyone you know in this situation, is some support and encouragement. Being unemployed during the holidays many job seekers tend to dwell on the negative and lose self confidence. A kind word from a friend or colleague goes a long way. A printed or e-holiday card with a personal note or a phone call will help to lift their spirits. Staying in contact throughout the holiday season and getting together face-to-face a few times in December is even better.
B: Buy a gift to help upgrade their image. The old tie and shirt gift seems pretty silly, however if you know someone who is out of work and projecting a poor image on interviews, a nice power shirt and tie might be just what the doctor ordered to change their outer image and self perception from dull & boring to dynamic. Depending on how close you are and your finances you can add to the wardrobe upgrade, or maybe get a few mutual friends to chip in for a nice business suit for the job seeking man or women.
C: Keeping with this theme a gift certificate for a beauty makeover or a hair salon for a woman who is job hunting may be just the right gift to perk up her spirits; so why not give it to her.
D: Here’s a novel gift, why not network for them. Don’t wait to be asked, take the initiative and make a few well placed phone calls and send out some emails and their resume to people you know telling them how great this person is and how much you would appreciate their help in passing the word around within their circle of friends. You can even go so far as to setting up a network night where you get several people together in pleasant social setting and introduce them to one another and let nature take its course.
E: Get them the professional help they need to find a new job or career. Many people are lost when it comes to knowing how to conduct an effective job search, write a professional resume, or figure out what to do next in their professional life; especially people over the age of 40. So maybe you can give them a Career Services Gift Certificate. At this time of year I offer discount certificates on resume writing and coaching services and I am sure if you speak with some of my colleagues they might do the same.
In a year when unemployment hovers from 8%-18% depending on your field and the city you live in, and when he average time in between good jobs is 26 weeks or more, helping someone progress their job search can be just the right gift to spread holiday cheer this year.
Talking about holiday gifts, here are some novel ideas about what you can give someone you know who is having a hard time finding a job this year?
A: One of the best gifts to offer job seekers at this time of year, and one you can afford to give to everyone you know in this situation, is some support and encouragement. Being unemployed during the holidays many job seekers tend to dwell on the negative and lose self confidence. A kind word from a friend or colleague goes a long way. A printed or e-holiday card with a personal note or a phone call will help to lift their spirits. Staying in contact throughout the holiday season and getting together face-to-face a few times in December is even better.
B: Buy a gift to help upgrade their image. The old tie and shirt gift seems pretty silly, however if you know someone who is out of work and projecting a poor image on interviews, a nice power shirt and tie might be just what the doctor ordered to change their outer image and self perception from dull & boring to dynamic. Depending on how close you are and your finances you can add to the wardrobe upgrade, or maybe get a few mutual friends to chip in for a nice business suit for the job seeking man or women.
C: Keeping with this theme a gift certificate for a beauty makeover or a hair salon for a woman who is job hunting may be just the right gift to perk up her spirits; so why not give it to her.
D: Here’s a novel gift, why not network for them. Don’t wait to be asked, take the initiative and make a few well placed phone calls and send out some emails and their resume to people you know telling them how great this person is and how much you would appreciate their help in passing the word around within their circle of friends. You can even go so far as to setting up a network night where you get several people together in pleasant social setting and introduce them to one another and let nature take its course.
E: Get them the professional help they need to find a new job or career. Many people are lost when it comes to knowing how to conduct an effective job search, write a professional resume, or figure out what to do next in their professional life; especially people over the age of 40. So maybe you can give them a Career Services Gift Certificate. At this time of year I offer discount certificates on resume writing and coaching services and I am sure if you speak with some of my colleagues they might do the same.
In a year when unemployment hovers from 8%-18% depending on your field and the city you live in, and when he average time in between good jobs is 26 weeks or more, helping someone progress their job search can be just the right gift to spread holiday cheer this year.